9914379150, 9815474150 Nasha Mukti Kendra in Khushinagar

Rehabilitation centre in Khushinagar

Dealing with drug addiction therapy is quite effective. Many people struggle with substance abuse and the worst part is they want to quit it but are not able to do so.

Becoming addict-free in one day is not possible. Therefore, our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Khushinagar provides you with the best services to become an addict-free person. From meditation to yoga to medicines to nutrition, we take care of every need of the patient.

Treatment process followed by our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Khushinagar

We have a team of doctors and experts who have been treating patients for many years. We follow a 12-step program approach to treat our patients. This program includes detoxification and a skill-building process. During the initial stage, the person goes through different assessments to get rid of all the contaminants from the body. 

After the detoxification period, we focus more on skill-building. Various activities like painting, listening to music, writing, and reading books keep the patient busy. We have therapy and counseling sessions to keep the patients motivated during the detoxification process. 

Why choose our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Khushinagar? 

We offer you the best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Khushinagar, so here we have the best facilities and the following reasons make us unique: 

1) We have a friendly and supportive staff of doctors, nurses, physiologists, and nutritionists. They are ready to help you at any hour of the day. So, with the most dedicated team, we offer you the best. 

2) We maintain our patient’s confidentiality. We offer complete privacy and ensure that no information is hard with anyone. 

3) We provide complete CCTV coverage to patients’ families so that they can keep an eye on their loved ones. We have the CCTV installed on the premises so that we can keep a check on the patient.  

4) There are many recreational activities, yoga, and meditation sessions to keep the patient busy. We have experts who help you with the best techniques. 

5) A 24 hours emergency helpline number is available.  We have the best helpline number where you can contact us anytime and share your problems. We will reach you at the mid night as well.

6) We also provide you with pick and drop facilities. This is to ensure that no patient struggles while getting to our rehab centres. 

Get the best facilities at the most affordable price.  We ensure that all our services are quality efficient. Call us today to know more about the best services! 






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